13 Quick Potato Flour Substitutes from Your Kitchen Cabinet

Is there a substitute for potato flour? The most asked question from every kitchen lover.

Yes, there are many alternatives for potato flour, from frying to baking, soup, etc. 

Some good Potato flour substitutes are corn flour, potato flakes, arrowroot, corn starch, rice flour, tapioca flour, Quinoa flour, mashed potato, even all-time available all-purpose flour also includes.

Many unique qualities make potato flour an interesting ingredient in recipes. 

It tends to absorb water, which means it will become softer and spongier as time goes on – just like real potatoes! 

The taste may be faint at first but grows stronger when cooked; this could explain why some people don’t notice any difference between pureed or mashed vegetables made with this material.

If you ever discover yourself in a situation where you come across a recipe that reaches for potato flour, but you don’t have it! Then try the following most appropriate substitutes for potato flour!

Just Pick and select any of the given alternates and use them according to the necessity of your recipes.

What is Potato flour?

Potato flour is created from dried and crushed cooked potatoes. The flour has a pale yellow color and makes an excellent thickening agent for soups, sauces, and gravies. 

It also has a slightly sweet flavor, making it a popular choice for baked goods and other recipes.

The taste of Potato flour is slightly different from Potato starch’s taste.

Do you know Potato flour and Potato starch are different! Yeah. Most people think these are the same & misunderstand both ingredients while they are not.

What is a good substitute for potato flour? (13 Potato Flour Alternatives)

When looking for a potato flour substitute, it is important to find a flour that can mimic the same properties as potato flour. This means finding flour that is as light as potato flour. 

In addition, it should have a fine grain and white or nearly white color. The most popular potato flour substitutes are potato flakes, white rice flour, and tapioca starch. However, any finely ground flour will work as a substitute.

1. POTATO FLAKES- A Better Way to Replace To Potato Flour

The potato flakes are nothing but dehydrated mashed potatoes. They are basically prepared by washing, peeling, cooking, and pressing potatoes. 

Potato flakes are dried at very high heat to remove all the moisture.

The texture of potato flakes is similar to potato four or any other flake you might have eaten before. The taste of potato flakes is bland, and it takes on the taste of whatever you are cooking with it.

If a recipe calls for 1 cup of potato flour, you can use 1/2 cup potato flakes plus 1/2 cup water.

Potato flakes are best for potato flour substitution because both are dehydrated mashed potatoes at their core. 

potato flakes are a better way to replace potato flour.

So it’s very easy to replace one with the other anytime you want. The texture of both is flakey. There are few distinctions between the two, primarily in texture and flavor. 

Although potato flake is light, it takes on whatever taste you are cooking with it. In contrast, the potato flour has a slight hint of its own flavor, which comes out prominently when cooked alone.

It is best to store the dehydrated potatoes in a cool, dry place for one year. Keep it away from exposure to light or heat, as this will decrease the product’s shelf life.

2. CORNSTARCH As A Substitute for Potato Flour in Soup

Corn Starch is a fine, white powder that is made from the starch of corn kernels. It has a smooth texture and a bland taste. 

Cornstarch can be used in versatile ways like a thickener for sauces, soups, and gravies and make gluten-free baked goods. 

The best part about using corn starch instead of potato flour is -it doesn’t alter the taste of the food items. However, it gives smoothness in texture. 

You can find it so easily in supermarkets or grocery stores. It’s packaged in boxes or bags. 

You can buy it in bulk from marketplaces like restaurant supply stores. Store in an airtight container for long time usage.

3. TAPIOCA FLOUR – A Potato Flour Substitute in Bread

Tapioca flour, commonly known as tapioca starch, is extracted from cassava root (also called manioc). It is a starchy white flour made from the dried and ground pulp of the cassava root. 

Tapioca flour has a mild flavor and a slightly gritty texture. 

Because it has such a mild flavor, you can use it to thicken almost any type of sauce, stews, and sauces …sweet or savory or as a gluten-free replacement for potato flour in baked goods. 

Tapioca flour is naturally gluten-free and is added to wheat flour when baking to give bread its elasticity.

Do you know! What is the best part about Tapioca flour? That’s why I like it so much- it is also very easy to digest, making it great for anyone with stomach problems since the starch digestion is done by yeast and not bacteria.

You can utilize it as a replacement for wheat flour in bread, cakes, and cookies:

· -Substitute 1/4 cup tapioca flour for 1 cup of wheat flour in bread.

· -For cakes or cookies, substitute 1/4 to 1/3 cup of tapioca flour for wheat flour.

You can store tapioca flour in a cool, dry place for up to 6 months.

Note that: it’s best not to substitute for pie dough as a large amount of liquid in the recipe can cause the dough to become very sticky and unmanageable.

4. ARROWROOT- A Gluten-Free Potato Flour Alternative in Recipes

Arrowroot… an important and must know about this root for every Indian Housewife. 

Arrowroot is widely used in recipes like Appam, Puttu, Biriyani, etc. Still, mostly it’s used as a thickening agent and also used as an ingredient in the preparation of many sweets like Adhirasam, etc.

Arrowroot is a starch extracted from the ‘Maranta arundinacea’ plant, native to Peru and Venezuela. The roots of this plant are dried and ground to form the arrowroot powder.

The arrowroot powder is gluten-free, has a neutral taste, and use as a thickening agent in sauces, puddings, pie fillings, and other desserts. 

It’s also a component of several gluten-free flour mixtures.

When substituting arrowroot for potato flour in a recipe, use 1/4 teaspoon of arrowroot for every tablespoon of potato flour called for in the recipe.

Arrowroot is easy to store, place in an airtight box in a cool, arid place for up to 6 months.

Arrowroot as a thickening agent? 

Plain Arrowroot works best when making clear, thin glazes and icings. When thickening a sauce or gravy, first combine it with a cold liquid before adding it to the heated mixture.

Bring the sauce or gravy to a boil, stirring constantly, then reduce the heat and simmer for 2 minutes.

If the sauce is overly dense, add more liquid and simmer until it reaches the desired thickness.

5. CORN FLOUR- A Decent Substitution of Potato Flour

Corn flour is a type of flour made from ground corn. It is used to make cornbread, tortillas, and other dishes. 

Corn flour has a slightly sweet flavor and a fine, powdery texture. It can easily substitute potato flour in recipes, thicken sauces, and soups. 

corn flour is a popular substitute for potato flour.

Corn flour can be purchased pre-ground or ground at home using a blender or food processor. 

Corn flour is a versatile ingredient used in both sweet and savory dishes. It is a good choice for gluten-free people or has a wheat allergy. Corn flour can also be used to 

Some of our favorite recipes using cornflour include:

  • · -Cornbread
  • · -Tortillas
  • · -Pancakes
  • · -Waffles
  • · -Chicken Tortilla Soup
  • · -Black Bean Chili

If you’re replacing potato flour with cornflour, take an equal amount of cornflour for potato flour. 

However, remember that the end result may not be exactly the same as if you had used potato flour since corn flour has a slightly different flavor and texture. 

To get the recipe just perfect, you may need to experiment a little. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to one week or in the freezer for up to three months. 

If you need to store the flour for longer than six months, you can freeze it. Make sure to thaw it out before applying it to return to its original consistency.

6. RICE FLOUR -A Good Replacement for Potato Flour Recipe

Rice Flour is made by milling or grinding rice grain into a coarse powder. It has many nutrients, which are food for the brain, and also Rice Flour gives our body proteins.

Rice flour has a mild taste with a bland, slightly nutty flavor. It’s great for baked goods with plenty of added flavors and ingredients – it won’t overshadow anything in the recipe! 

You can add as a thickener in foods such as gravy, sauce, and pie fillings to make bread, cakes, and other baked goods.

You can substitute rice flour for up to half of the potato flour called for in many recipes. E.g., 1/2 cup of rice flour for 1 cup of potato flour…

Storing rice flour for long periods can be a bit tricky. The crucial thing to remember is to keep it dry and cool. Here are a few tips on how to store rice flour:

· – Store rice flour in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

· – If you live in a hot climate, store the flour in the refrigerator or freezer.

· – Make sure to bring the flour to room temperature before using it in recipes.

· – Use up rice flour within a few months of opening the container, or it may start to spoil.

With these tips in mind, you can store your rice flour for long periods and enjoy its many culinary uses. Happy cooking!

7. QUINOA FLOUR – Substitution for Potato Flour in Gluten-free Baking

Quinoas’ subtle flavor works well in any recipe that calls for potato-based flours, so you will have no problem adapting your favorite recipes with this simple substitution for potato flour!

Quinoa is a great flour to use when you want your baked goods, such as bread or cakes, and cookies hold their shape and as a thickening agent.

This really depends on the recipe you are using. In general, you would use about 1/4-1/3 cup of quinoa flour for every cup of potato flour called for in a recipe.

However, you should always do a taste test to ensure the substitution is right for your dish. 

If the quinoa flour tastes too strong, you may want to use less than the recipe calls for. 

On the other hand, if it seems like there is not enough flavor in your dish, you can always add an extra 1/4-1/3 cup of quinoa flour.

8. INSTANT MASHED POTATOES -Substitute for Potato Flour in Chinese Cooking

There are many reasons why I recommend you use mashed potatoes as an alternative to potato flour. Still, it may come as something of a surprise that these two ingredients share so much alike. 

For example, both source their inspiration from starchy crops like beans or tuna fish and then process those same substances into gummy forms suitable for baking with great success!

9. While You don’t Have Anything Try ALL-PURPOSE Flour Place of Potato Flour 

Use all-purpose flour as a potato flour alternative when you have nothing to use. 

About 2 cups worth for every 1 cup of all-purpose flour used–and then allow it to sit overnight so that any excess moisture has time evaporate off.

10. A Healthy Alternative to Potato Flour-WHEAT FLOUR 

Wheat flour is another great option for replacing potato flour in recipes. 

But there are some significant differences between the qualities of wheat and spud flours, so it’s best to experiment with these substitutions on a small scale before going full-force into your cooking project!

Wheat flour is an excellent choice when you want to avoid having a raw taste or aftertaste in your baked goods.

It also helps that wheat absorbs less moisture than potatoes, which means fewer ruins from gluten development during storage time!

When substituting wheat for potato flour, it is important to make adjustments so that your baked goods have the best moisture.

The substitution of potato flour in wheat flour varies with the kind of product. 

The one-quarter cup is considered enough when making bread and rolls. In contrast, one-third cup is recommended when preparing tortillas, flatbreads, or pizza crusts.

11. GROUND MATZO -Potato flour substitute in soup

You might be thinking that it sounds like a lot of trouble to make your own potato flour, but if you’re really looking for an alternative in recipes where the powdery consistency is desired, then ground matzo or matza will do.

Matzo is a type of flatbread that originated in Judaism. It can be used to make matzoh ball soup, fried latkes (potato pancakes), Jewish sandwiches called “bagels,” which use another ingredient besides meat or cheeses as well. 

Potato flour and ground matzo are both kinds of similar consistency. Still, they have different flavor profiles due to additions like herbs and onions on top.

12. WATER CHESTNUT FLOUR- Potato Flour Substitute Frying

This flour is made from chestnuts, which are unique in that they’re not actually a nut but rather starch. This means it can be used as an excellent potato flour replacement!

Water chestnut flour is an alternative vegan meat substitute that you can use to Ernakulam style your recipes. 

It holds an earthy and sweet flavor with hints of smokiness, adding depth to cooking! 

To make it yourself, just combine water-toasted ground seeds from the whole pod into a slurry before adding more as needed until reaching desired consistency for thickening sauces or pastes on meats like chicken tikka masala–that’s what I did at home last night anyway 😉

13. ALMOND FLOUR AND OAT FLOUR- king Arthur potato flour substitute in Sauce

Gluten-free flour is made of different types, including almond and coconut. It can be used in place of all-purpose or wheat flours with equal amounts to create a nutty, sweet flavor that’s perfect for baking!

Is potato flour gluten-free?

Yes, potato flour is gluten-free. It’s made from cooked potatoes that are dried and ground into a fine powder. Potato flour can be found at most grocery stores. 

It’s used as a thickening agent in recipes like soups, stews, puddings, pie fillings, and baked goods like bread and rolls. 

My favorite way to use potato flour is in gluten-free pancakes. They turn out light and fluffy every time.

Things to remember before using potato flour. 

First, it doesn’t have as much protein as wheat flour, so your baked goods may not be as sturdy. 

Second, it can have a bit of a potato taste, so you may want to use a little more sugar or other flavoring agents when baking with it. 

But overall, potato flour is a great gluten-free option for thickening and adding moisture to recipes. 

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How to make potato flour at Home?

Making potato flour at home is quite tricky, but it turns down really easy for you following my instructions. Let’s get started…


· One pound of potatoes.

· Water as needed.

· One food mill or potato ricer.


1. Peel and wash the potatoes.

2. Cut them into small pieces.

3. Add water as needed and cook the potatoes until soft.

4. Pass the cooked potatoes through a food mill or potato ricer.

5. Dry out the mashed potatoes and make them powder form.

5. Store the potato flour in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer.

Potato flour is a great choice for people with gluten intolerance, as it is gluten-free. It is versatile and used to make baked goods, such as bread, cookies, cakes, and meatballs. It’s also amazing for thickening soups and stews.

Are potato starch and potato flour the same thing?

Potato flour and potato starch are not the exact things. 

Potato starch is made from the starch in uncooked or raw potatoes, while potato flour is made from ground-up cooked potatoes. 

Potato starch is a white powder used as a thickener in food, while potato flour is a light brown powder used to add flavor and texture to food. 

Both potato starch and potato flour are gluten-free, making them a good choice for gluten-intolerant people.

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Can I substitute potato starch for potato flour?

Yes, you can substitute potato starch for potato flour. 

Potato starch is a white, powdery substance made from the dried tubers of the potato plant. It has a neutral flavor and a slightly sticky texture. 

On the other hand, potato flour is made from ground, dried potatoes. It has a strong potato flavor and a granular consistency.

Potato starch and potato flour can be used interchangeably in some recipes. Still, you may need to experiment on your own to find the best substitution ratio for your recipe. 

Generally speaking, substituting potato starch for potato flour is an easy way of reducing carbohydrates in your diet, or it can be used as a gluten-free substitute. 

However, it is important to note that potato starch does not have the same binding properties as potato flour, so your end product may not be as dense or chewy. 

Additionally, suppose a recipe calls for potatoes to be boiled before being ground into flour. Here, you will need to cook the starch in water before using it as a substitute.

My Favourite Potato Flour Replacements

· Quinoa Flour

· All-purpose

· Wheat flour

· Corn starch

· Cornflour

· Rice flour

· Potato flakes

FAQs Related to Potato Flour & Its alternatives 

Q1. What does potato flour do in baking?

It’s gluten-free and can replace regular flour in some recipes. People who are sensitive to gluten or on a restricted diet benefit from baking with potato flour. 

Potato flour binds the dough and helps the shape stable.

Q2. Can you substitute potato flour for all-purpose flour?

Potato flour is a kind of flour that is made from potatoes. It has a somewhat sweet flavor and is gluten-free.

It can be utilized in most recipes in place of all-purpose flour, but it will modify the texture and flavor of the finished product.

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