7 Best Substitutes for Milk in Cereal- How to Use & Ratio

Ah, breakfast time. It’s the most vital meal of the day and one of my personal favorites. One of my favorite breakfast dishes is cereal.

It’s quick, easy and packed with essential nutrients. 

However, not everyone is a fan of Milk in their cereal! Perhaps you are lactose intolerant, follow a vegan or dairy-free diet, or just simply out of Milk.

Whatever the reason, plenty of substitutes are available that work wonderfully in cereal.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing 7 of the best substitutes for Milk in cereal, along with details on how to utilize them and the right ratio.

Does cereal Need Milk?

Cereal usually does need Milk when eaten as a breakfast food, as the combination enhances both the flavor and texture of the cereal.

Milk also helps to keep you fuller longer by providing additional protein and calcium. Cereal without Milk can be a bit dry and lack the extra richness that comes from adding dairy.

However, many people enjoy eating cereal without Milk as a snack or dessert, adding things like yogurt, frozen fruit or honey to create a unique flavor profile.

Best substitutes for Milk in cereal with measurement

1. Soy Milk – a good substitute for Milk in cereal

soy milk is the most used substitute for milk in cereal

Soy milk is the most common and widely used substitute for Milk in cereal. Choose either unsweetened or sweetened soy milk mixed with your cereal.

Ratio or measurement: The ratio of soy milk to cereal is 1:1. Many soy milk brands include a small amount of calcium and vitamin D to match regular Milk.

It is effortless to find in most stores and comes in a variety of flavors.

2. Try Almond Milk instead of Milk in cereal

Almond Milk is another popular dairy alternative, and it’s ideal for those on a low-carb diet. It is rich in vitamin E, low in calories, and low in sugar.

Almond Milk tastes like Milk with a nutty flavor.

Ratio or measurement: If you're using almond Milk for your cereal, be sure to get the unsweetened type and mix in a 1:1 ratio.

3. Coconut Milk – A great alternative for Milk in cereal

coconut milk is another fantastic substitute for milk in cereal

Coconut milk is another fantastic substitute for Milk in cereal. It’s lactose-free, gluten-free, and low in calories. 

The coconut flavor may be a bit strong for some people, so it’s best to go for the unsweetened one.

Ratio or measurement: The ratio between coconut milk and cereal is 1:1. Be mindful that canned coconut milk is thicker than regular Milk.

So adjust the amount accordingly to get the desired consistency.

4. You can use Oat Milk to replace Milk in cereal

Oat milk is trending in the non-dairy space. It’s a perfect substitute for dairy milk because it’s creamy and slightly sweet.

Oat milk is a nutritious option that is rich in fiber, iron, and vitamin D. Like coconut and almond milk, oat milk comes in unsweetened and sweetened varieties.

Ratio or measurement: You can mix your cereal with oat milk at a ratio of 1:1.

5. Cashew Milk gives a similar taste to Milk in cereal

cashew milk is an excellent substitute for milk in cereal

Cashew milk is an excellent substitute for Milk in your cereal. It is a healthy option with lower calories and high protein.

Using cashew milk in your cereal bowl gives it a creamy, velvety consistency.

Ratio or measurement: The ratio between cashew milk and cereal is 1:1.

6. Rice Milk – A decent replacement for Milk in cereal

People with multiple food allergies may find rice milk useful.

It is glutensoy, dairy, and nut-free. It’s an excellent alternative for people with kids who have food sensitivities.

Ratio or measurement: The ratio for using rice milk and cereal is 1:1. It's best to choose the unsweetened variety to prevent added sugars.

7. Hemp Milk – similar to Milk in cereal

hemp milk is good milk in cereal replacement

Hemp milk is a lesser-known dairy alternative, mostly due to its nutty and earthy flavor. It’s high in protein and is a good source of vitamin E.

Ratio or measurement: Use a 1:1 ratio with cereal.

It’s best to select the unsweetened variety to prevent added sugars. Moreover, Hemp milk is available in most stores.

How to make cereal without Milk?

Making cereal without Milk is relatively simple and requires a few basic ingredients.

To start, you’ll need your favorite type of cereal, some water, butter or margarine, and sugar or honey for sweetness.

To begin, measure out your desired amount of cereal in a bowl. Then, add adequate water to cover the cereal. 

Allow the mix to set for some minutes so that the cereal can soak up some of the moisture. Once this is done, melt your butter or margarine in a separate bowl until it’s liquid.

Next, pour the melted butter over the cereal and stir until everything is mixed together.

At this point, if you’d like to sweeten your cereal, you can add a tablespoon or two of sugar or honey, depending on how sweet you want it to be.

Once everything has been mixed together well, transfer your creation into an oven-safe dish and bake at 375°F for around 25 minutes until it’s golden brown and crunchy.

Be sure to periodically check on the cereal while it’s in the oven to prevent burning—you can even give it a stir halfway through baking too!

When baking is completed, remove it from the oven and allow it to chill before digging in!

Making homemade cereal without Milk is quick and easy to do—plus, you get more control over what goes into your breakfast than with most store-bought cereals that often contain lots of added sugars and other artificial ingredients.


Can I use water rather of Milk for cereal?

Yes, you can use water rather of Milk for cereal. Some cereals are even made to be eaten with water.

However, it’s important to consider that Milk provides essential nutrients like calcium and protein that might not be found in water.

So if you substitute Milk with water, get these nutrients from other sources.

Conclusion on substitute for Milk in cereal

In conclusion, you don’t need to stick to dairy milk in your cereal bowl. Several non-dairy milk options offer various nutritional benefits and can be used as milk substitutes. 

Going dairy-free is a personal choice, and using non-dairy Milk ensures that you continue to enjoy your cereal in the morning. 

If you’re lactose intolerant or want to switch to a plant-based diet, try out the seven substitutes we’ve mentioned above- soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, oat milk, cashew milk, rice milk, and hemp milk. 

With a 1:1 ratio, making the switch is easy-peasy!

FAQs on substitute for Milk in cereal

Q1. What is the best cereal without Milk?

The best cereal without Milk is granola. Made from oats, nuts, and other healthy ingredients like dried fruit, it’s a crunchy and delicious way to start your day.

It’s packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium. Granola also contains heart-healthy unsaturated fats from nuts.

Eating it without Milk means you’ll get all of the nutritional benefits without any added fats or sugars that are often contained in dairy products.

Plus, it’s vegan-friendly and can be easily paired with some plant-based milk like almond or soy for even more flavor.

Whether looking for an energizing breakfast or a midday snack, granola is the perfect choice for those who want to enjoy a wholesome cereal without Milk.

Q2. Can half and half be substituted for Milk in cereal?

Yes, half and half can be substituted for Milk in cereal.

Although it won’t provide the same level of nutrition as cow’s Milk, it can provide a creamy texture and flavor to cereal that is similar to using regular Milk.

Half is a mixture of cream and half Milk, which gives it a higher fat content than cow’s Milk, with around 10-12% fat.

This makes half and half richer than regular whole cow’s Milk; however, when it comes to boiling or baking other dishes or drinks.

Cow’s Milk should always be used as the fat content in Half-and-Half will not allow it to become boiling hot without separating from the liquid base.

When using Half-and-Half in cereal, you may want to pour a smaller amount than if you were using Cow’s Milk due to the additional richness.

Q3. Can evaporated Milk be replaced for Milk in cereal

Yes, evaporated Milk can be substituted for regular Milk in cereal. Evaporated Milk is made from fresh cow’s Milk, with 60% of the water extracted by boiling.

This process results in a thick, creamy consistency similar to heavy cream. Once opened, it should be preserved in the refrigerator and used within five days of opening.

When used in cereal, the sweetness and creamy flavor of evaporated Milk will add a delicious depth of flavor.

It also contains more additional protein than regular Milk and can provide your breakfast with an extra boost of nutrition.

Q4. Why do people put Milk before cereal?

Putting Milk before cereal is a way to minimize sogginess and ensure that the cereal remains crunchy and flavorful.

The coldness of the Milk helps to keep the cereal crisp while adding moisture at the same time.

Having Milk poured into a bowl of cereal also makes it easier to mix in other toppings like fruit or honey, creating a delicious breakfast.

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