[7] Substitute For Sweet Rice| Eliminate your Fears & Doubts

Have you ever run out of sweet rice while you’re cooking? Or maybe you just don’t feel like making a trip to the store? In either case, this substitute for sweet rice will save your day! 

This recipe is so easy that even inexperienced cooks may prepare it. So don’t let yourself be without sweet rice again.

Today, we’ll explore some of the best substitutes for Sticky- Glutinous-sweet rice. So whether you’re looking for an alternative or just curious about what else is out there, read on!

What is Sweet rice? How can You make it?

Sticky rice is a variety of rice notable for its capacity to adhere together, hence the name “sticky.”

This characteristic makes it perfect for dishes like sushi and dessert items like mochi. Sticky rice is also high in starch, which gives it a chewy texture. 

It can be cooked with either a savory or sweet flavor, depending on the dish.

Sweet Rice is often known as Sticky rice, Glutinous rice, Waxy Rice.

Glutinous: Glutinous rice contains a high level of amylopectin (a water-soluble, branched starch), giving it its sticky nature when cooked.

It is widely used throughout Asia, especially in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar (Burma), and Japan, as “mochigome.”

How to Make Sticky Rice: 

Following are the steps to make your own homemade sticky rice using traditional methods without using modern machinery. 

It starts by soaking the raw glutinous rice in water overnight to be fully hydrated.

After that, the soaked rice is drained and placed in a pot with twice its volume of freshwater. 

The saucepan is then heated to a high temperature and brought to a boil. Once boiling, turn the heat down to low and cover the pot with a tight-fitting lid. Boil for 30 minutes or until the rice is cooked.

Once done, remove the pot from the heat and let it sit for 5 minutes to absorb excess moisture. Then, using a pair of chopsticks or a spoon, fluff the rice up before serving.

What is Japanese sweet rice?

In Japan, sweet rice is also called “Mochigome” or “Shoku-gomé.” 

It’s a variety of short-grain glutinous rice; more specifically, it’s a unique kind that has been developed in Japan as a food crop. 

The unique characteristic of this type of rice is that it contains an enzyme that causes the grains to become sticky when steamed. 

The stickiness gives the rice a unique texture and makes it pleasant to eat. Still, it can be hard to master cooking because the wrong amount of water will leave you with either mushy over cooked rice or too dry undercooked sweet rice. 

In Japan, sweet rice is traditionally consumed at breakfast time with fresh raw eggs, soy sauce, and sugar. 

Other ways of eating sweet rice include desserts mixed with other ingredients to make a savory dish or filler in onigiri (rice balls).

7 Ideal Substitute For Sweet Rice


Sushi rice is the most preferable sweet rice because of its stickiness. It is a nourishing and healthy food that enhances the appetite.

you can use sushi rice instead of sweet rice while making any dish like sushi, as hot or cold.

You can use sushi rice instead of sweet rice while making any dish like sushi, as hot or cold. You don’t need to use all kinds of vinegar, salt, and sugar as per the recipe if your rice package has been mentioned as “seasoned.”

Sushi is a famous Japanese dish, but you might not know that rice plays a vital role in sushi. 

Sushi can’t be called “sushi” without any type of rice. The unique ingredient in sushi rice is its vinegar seasoning. 

Suppose you go to a Japanese restaurant and order some sushi. In that case, you’d typically get served vinegared rice with other ingredients on top of it. 

Let’s find out more about this unique type of rice!


Jasmine rice instead of sweet rice in the recipe for Sweet Rice Congee; one of the most popular rice porridges in Chinese cuisine.

Congee is soft, creamed rice made with lots of water. It’s like a pudding but more substantial than its Western version, which you would probably recognize as cream of wheat. 

Jasmine rice is an excellent option for those looking for less starchy, long grain rice. However, it should not be substituted as a direct replacement for glutinous rice in recipes that require its sticky texture, such as desserts or savory dishes like fried rice.

So if you’re searching for a healthier alternative to white, glutinous rice, then Jasmine rice is a good option! But beware that it’s not the perfect replacement.


Although regular rice is not similar to glutinous rice, the flavor is almost the same. You can transfer regular rice to sticky glutinous sweet rice by simple steps:

There are a few essential things to recall when turning regular rice into sticky rice. 

·   First, you’ll need to use a different type of rice altogether. Specifically, you’ll need to use short-grain rice, which is the type of rice that is typically used for making sticky rice.

·   Second, you’ll need to cook the rice in a bit more water than you would typically use for regular rice. This is because the extra moisture will help to create a sticky texture.

·   Finally, you’ll need to let the cooked rice rest for a few minutes before serving. This will allow the rice to soak excess moisture and just become sticky.

4. MAPSSAL- Korean Sweet -sticky rice

Korea is the only country that eats sweet rice as a side dish with meals. It requires more preparation than steamed rice, but it is worth all the trouble. 

Mapssal is an excellent option for sweet, waxy rice to make a different recipe like porridge.

The taste and texture of “mapssal-tteok” (sweet sticky rice cakes) are divine. While some Koreans enjoy making them at home, they are also available at most restaurants.

Sweet sticky rice can be prepared in a variety of ways. The most popular method is to make “juk” (porridge), which is usually eaten as a breakfast dish. 

Another common way is to deep fry the rice cakes and serves them with a dipping sauce. 

Regardless of the preparation method, one thing is for sure: mapssal-tteok is a delicious and unique Korean dish that all food lovers should try at least once!

Did you know?

In Korea, sweet sticky rice is considered a healthy food because it is high in fiber and nutrients. It is said to aid enhance blood circulation and digestion. 


Use short-grain rice instead of sweet rice. However, the end result may not be as chewy as sweet rice. 

Additionally, suppose you use a sticky rice variety such as glutinous or sushi rice. In that case, it is essential to rinse the grains well before cooking to remove any excess starch. 

This will help ensure that the grains do not stick together when cooked.


Arborio Rice is a variety of Italian rice with a higher starch content than other types of rice. This makes it ideal for dishes that are meant to be creamy, such as risotto. 

if you want to replace sweet rice with arborio Rice in a recipe, you can use a 1:1 ratio. 

If you want to replace sweet rice with Arborio Rice in a recipe, you can use a 1:1 ratio. 

However, according to the recipe, you will need to change the cooking time.

For example, suppose the recipe calls for simmering the sweet rice for 20 minutes. In that case, you are just required to simmer the Arborio Rice for about 15 minutes.

Stir it regularly to prevent it from attaching to the bottom of the saucepan. You can also add a bit of broth or water if the rice begins to get too dry.


Bomba Rice is very popular, especially in Valencia, where it was introduced by the Arabs. It has a unique feature that distinguishes it from other types of rice. 

Bomba absorbs less water than other types of rice but still ends up being tender and not so sticky. This allows you to create an excellent paella! 

HOW TO DO IT? Soak the Bomba Rice with cold water for about 30 minutes before cooking. It absorbs enough water inside, which will help give more flavor to your food later on. 

Then you should put some olive oil in the pan and put the washed rice into it over medium heat, stirring regularly until you see that all grains are slightly sticking to each other… 

Be patient, then pour boiling hot water 1 cm above the rice or if you want to be more accurate, pour half a glass of boiling water on the side. 

Add salt and stir again. Keep going so that the rice does not stick to the pan until most liquid evaporates, raising the heat slightly. 

Put your green beans inside your paella, so it gets cooked! Your Bomba Rice is ready!

Read More7 Best Green Curry paste Alternatives

Can you use regular rice for sticky rice?

You can use regular white rice to make sticky rice by following a specific cooking method.

One popular way to make sticky rice is to soak the rice in water for several hours before cooking. This will help it to absorb more moisture and become softer and stickier. 

Then, cook the rice over low heat in a tightly sealed pot until it is tender and glossy.

If you’re in a hurry and don’t have a moment to soak your rice ahead of time, another alternative is to add a little oil or butter to the pot before cooking. This will help to create a sticky texture when the rice is done.

Ultimately, the best way to make sticky rice will depend on your individual preferences and the ingredients you have on hand. 

However, these pointers should get you started on your way to making wonderful sticky rice at home.

Wrap Up On Sweet Rice Substitute 

Suppose you’re looking for a delicious and filling substitute for sweet rice. In that case, This dish is made with glutinous rice flour, which gives it a sticky texture that is perfect for wrapping up ingredients like meats and vegetables. 

Sweet Rice can be served either steamed or fried, and it’s a great option if you’re looking for something new to try. Just go for it? You won’t regret it!

FAQs Related to Glutinous Rice & Its Alternative

Q1. What rice is closest to sticky rice?

The closest rice to sticky rice is sushi rice. Sushi rice has a higher starch content than most types of rice, resulting in its characteristic stickiness.

Rice used for risotto is also similar to the sticky nature of jasmine rice. However, it contains less amylopectin (starch) than sushi rice which causes it to be more firm when cooled and prevents grains from clumping together.

Q2. What can I add to rice to make it sticky?

To make regular white rice more sticky, you can add a small amount of moisture, such as chicken or vegetable broth or coconut milk. 

You can also experiment with different seasonings to give the extra rice flavor. Some chefs pick sugar or honey to make their rice more sticky. 

Ultimately, it is up to the cook to decide what ingredients work best together to create their desired results.

Q3. Is short-grain rice the same as glutinous rice?

No, they are not the same. Short-grain rice is a type of long-grain rice that is shorter and wider than other long-grain rice. 

Glutinous rice, also famous as sticky rice, is short-grain rice with a higher starch content than other types of rice. 

This makes it cling together more easily, resulting in a stickier texture.

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