5 top best Substitutes for Togarashi seasoning & way to use

Togarashi is a popular Japanese chili pepper spice blend that is made with seven ingredients: red chili pepper, sansho pepper, white sesame seeds, black sesame seeds, ginger, hemp seed, and nori.

The mixture of spices gives togarashi a unique flavor that can’t be replicated with just one ingredient.

But luckily, there are several substitutes for togarashi seasoning that will give your dish the same spicy kick.

What can you use instead of Togarashi?

You can use Shishito, Shichimi, Korean shilgochu pepper, Homemade Togarashi Seasoning, Aleppo pepper etc. instead of Togarashi.

What is Togarashi? What is togarashi made of?

Togarashi is a Japanese spice blend made up of chili peppers, citrus peel, sesame seeds, ginger, and nori. It is believed to have been invented in China and then spread throughout East Asia.

It has a slightly sweet flavor with a moderate amount of heat.

Some of the main health benefits of eating togarashi include improved digestion and weight loss.

Additionally, it can also help lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation throughout the body.

If you are searching for a unique way to add some spice to your food, be sure to try incorporating some togarashi into your recipes!

Ideal substitute for Togarashi in detail

1. Shishito – Best Togarashi Substitutes All time

Shishito peppers are a popular Japanese cuisine. They are small, mild peppers that are often served as an appetizer.

One of the most popular methods to prepare shishito peppers is to coat them in a light batter and fry them until they are crispy. They are then typically served with a sprinkle of sea salt and a squeeze of lemon.

shishito is a good substitute for togarashi seasoning

While shishito peppers are delicious on their own, they can also be used as a substitute for togarashi.

Just ensure to adjust the amount of pepper you use depending on the level of heat you prefer.

2. Shichimi

Shichimi is a Japanese spice blend that typically contains seven ingredients: chili peppers, orange peel, grounding ginger, poppy seeds, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, and nori seaweed.

It is often used to add a touch of heat to dishes such as noodles and rice.

While Togarashi is the more well-known spice blend outside of Japan, Shichimi has become increasingly preferred in recent years due to its complex flavor profile.

The chili peppers provide a beautiful counterpoint to the sweetness of the orange peel, and the grounding ginger helps to round out the flavors.

In addition, the poppy and hemp seeds add a lovely crunch, while the nori seaweed provides a unique umami depth of flavor.

As a result, Shichimi is an excellent all-purpose spice blend that can be used to add flavor and interest to a variety of dishes.

So next time you’re in the middle of cooking and realize you’re out of Togarashi, grab some shichimi and give it a try – your dish will be all the better for it.

3. Use Korean shilgochu pepper to replace Togarashi seasoning

For those who are not familiar with Togarashi, it is a Japanese chili pepper that is often used to add a bit of heat to dishes.

However, Togarashi can be difficult to find in some parts of the world. Luckily, Korean shilgochu pepper makes an excellent substitute. Like Togarashi, shilgochu peppers are typically quite small.

As a result, they can be added to a dish without overwhelming other flavors.

They also have a similar level of heat, making them ideal for those who like to add a pinch of spice to their food.

Best of all, shilgochu peppers are widely available in Asian markets. So if you’re searching for a way to add a bit of heat to your cooking, be sure to give Korean shilgochu pepper a try.

4. Homemade Togarashi Seasoning

Togarashi is a Japanese chili pepper seasoning that adds a nice touch of heat to any dish. It’s effortless to make at home with just a few simple ingredients.

First, toast some sesame seeds in a dry pan over medium heat until they are golden brown.

Then, add the seeds to a food processor along with dried chili peppers, smoked paprika, salt, sugar, and seaweed flakes.

Pulse the mixture until it is finely ground. Store the seasoning in an airtight container and use it as needed.

Togarashi is a versatile seasoning that can be used on everything from grilled meats to steamed vegetables. Give it a try next time you’re looking for a little extra flavor in your meal.

5. Aleppo pepper – an ideal Substitute for Togarashi seasoning

If you’re looking for a togarashi substitute that will give your dish the same level of heat and flavor, reach for the Aleppo pepper. Also known as the Halaby pepper, this chili pepper originates from Aleppo, Syria.

It’s typically sold in the form of flakes or powder, and it has a moderate level of heat with a fruity, slightly salty taste.

The Aleppo pepper is a versatile seasoning that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes.

aleppo pepper is a good alternative for togarashi seasoning

So whether you’re making a spice rub for chicken or adding some heat to a chocolate cake, the Aleppo pepper is up to the task. Just remember to use it sparingly, as a little goes a long way.

Read more: Banana pepper alternatives

My Opinion- Are Togarashi alternatives worth using?

As a professional chef, I am always looking for ways to add new and interesting flavors to my dishes. Togarashi is a type of Japanese chili pepper with a unique flavor that can liven up a dish.

However, it can be difficult to find Togarashi in stores, so I have started experimenting with alternatives.

I have found that some common chili peppers, such as jalapenos and habaneros, can provide a similar flavor profile.

Additionally, there are some commercially available Togarashi substitutes that contain a blend of spices that can approximate the flavor of Togarashi.

While these alternatives may not be identical to the real thing, they can still be quite effective in adding a touch of flavor to a dish.

Overall, Togarashi alternatives are definitely worth using if you are searching for a way to add some extra zing to your cooking.

FAQs on Substitute for Togarashi seasoning

Q1. What is so special about Aleppo pepper?

Aleppo pepper is a type of chili pepper that originates from Aleppo, Syria. The peppers are typically dried and then crushed or ground into a powder.

They have a moderate to a hot level of heat, with a range of 1,000 to 15,000 Scoville heat units.

The peppers have a unique flavor that is slightly fruity and smoky, with notes of cumin and paprika. Aleppo pepper is commonly used in Middle Eastern and North African cuisines.

It can be used as a seasoning for meats, stews, and vegetables. It is also often used as a pizza topping or in pasta dishes.

Q2. Is Japanese 7 spice the same as shichimi?

Japanese 7 spice, also known as shichimi togarashi, is a blend of seven different spices. The most common spices used in shichimi togarashi are chili pepper, Sichuan pepper, orange peel, ginger, seaweed, and sansho.

While the exact ratios of each spice vary depending on the brand or chef, the overall flavor profile is typically spicy and slightly citrusy. Shichimi togarashi is often used as a finishing spice for noodle dishes, grilled meats, and soups. It can also be used as a rub for roasted vegetables or added to marinades.

While Japanese 7 spice and shichimi togarashi are similar, they are different. Shichimi togarashi usually contains a higher proportion of chili pepper than Japanese 7 spice, giving it a bit more heat.

In addition, shichimi togarashi typically contains seaweed, which imparts a slightly salty flavor. Japanese 7 spice typically does not contain seaweed. As a result, while both spices share some common flavor profiles, they are not interchangeable.

Q3. Is shishito hotter than jalapeno?

When it comes to chili peppers, there are wide different varieties that can range in heat level from mild to fiery hot. Two of the most popular types of chili peppers are shishito and jalapeno. So, which one is hotter? The answer may surprise you.

Although jalapeno peppers are typically considered to be hotter than shishito peppers, this is not always the case. The heat level of a chili pepper depends on many factors, including the variety of pepper, the growing conditions, and even the time of year.

As a result, it is possible for a shishito pepper to be hotter than a jalapeno pepper. So, if you’re looking for a chili pepper with some serious heat, be sure to try both shishito and jalapeno peppers.

Q4. Should you remove seeds from shishito peppers?

While shishito peppers are typically mild, every now and then, you’ll come across a fiery one. If you prefer spice, you may be tempted to remove the seeds before cooking. However, I recommend against this.

The seeds are actually where the majority of the heat is concentrated, so removing them will result in a more bland flavor. If you want to reduce the spice level without sacrificing flavor, simply cut the peppers into smaller pieces so that there is less surface area for the heat to travel.

Whatever you do, don’t be afraid to experiment with these delicious peppers – they may just surprise you.

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